Today, when we choose names for our children, we sometimes base our selection on how that name sounds. A first name that rolls off the tongue nicely when combined with the last name is a popular option for many moms and dads. In biblical times, however, parents cared less about the sound of a name as they did about its meaning. A name was more than simply nomenclature. It was, rather, a replica and revelation of the individual or thing itself.
“A name is so important in biblical settings that there are frequent mentions throughout Scripture of God Himself changing someone’s name to reflect a new reality. Abram, which means ‘exalted father,’ was changed to Abraham meaning ‘exalted father of multitudes.’ Jacob, whose original name meant ‘grabber of the heel’ and ‘deceitful,’ had his name changed to Israel after wrestling with God. His new name, Israel, means ‘one who prevails.’ In the book of Hosea, God changed the names of Hosea’s son and daughter to signify the change in His relationship with them from Lo-Ammi meaning ‘not my people’ and LoRuhamma meaning ‘not-pitied’ to Ammi and Ruhamma which means ‘my people’ and ‘one who is shown compassion.’
In Scripture, a name often both denoted and connoted purpose, authority, makeup, and ownership. It was frequently seen as an actual equivalency of a person or thing. When Jesus said that He had made God’s ‘name known to them, and will make it known…,’ He was referencing more than just sounds put together in a word. Jesus, having come to earth in the flesh, unveiled God’s heart, mind, will, character and being through the revelation of His name.
Whether used as shem in Hebrew or as onoma in Greek, the translated word that shows up over 1,000 times in Scripture that we call ‘name’ routinely carries with it power, responsibility, purpose and authority. A name not only expresses the essence and significance of the being or thing, a name–when duly authorized–accesses the capacity intrinsic within it.”
– Tony Evans, Kingdom Man
When the angel Gabriel visited Mary to foretell the birth of the Messiah, he instructed Mary that she should call the baby Jesus because that name meant that He would save His people from their sins. Jesus is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament name Joshua which means “salvation.” Jesus has other names as well. While they are not literal names you would use in conversation, they are descriptive names assigned to Him that give us insight into His character and mission. Look at Isaiah 9:6, (ESV):
“and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Let’s work through these names individually.
Wonderful Counselor
When members of my congregation come to me for counseling, the quality of the advice they receive depends on the kind of day I have had. People often come expecting that perfect pearl of wisdom that will immediately solve their problems and put their life instantly in order. Unfortunately, I am human; I can’t hit the bulls-eye 100% percent of the time.
That’s what makes Jesus such a wonderful counselor. His perspective is infinite; His resources unlimited. His experience includes a lifetime on earth during which He experienced the same trials and temptations we face. Who could be better qualified to offer us guidance and direction?
Mighty God
The Hebrew word used here literally means “hero.” Our society is suffering from a tragic lack of heroes—those who have traditionally inspired others to reach beyond their limits and seek the best in themselves and those around them. Heroes silently challenge others to follow in their footsteps. And there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as those footsteps lead in the right direction.
Human heroes of all kinds have disappointed us by failing to deliver on their promises. Jesus, on the other hand, never fails. He is God in the flesh. He is faithful. All the power of creation stands behind His promise to provide and care for us
Everlasting Father
Have you ever spent time pondering where God came from? Don’t. After you’ve gone back as far as you can imagine, you’re no closer to the origin of God than when you started. “Everlasting” means forever. There is no beginning. There is no end. The fact is that God never did arrive. He has always been here.
That can be mind-numbing for us as finite, temporal human beings. That’s why many have concluded that it’s too hard to believe so they settle on evolution instead.
Yet evolutionists confuse me. They say they can’t believe in an eternal God. But they have no trouble believing that nothing plus nothing results in something. They readily conclude that, way back when, one kind of substance accidently collided with another and resulted in an intricate creation. All it takes to destroy that theory is a simple question: Who created the substance?
Rather, God transcends time and also penetrates time and space to make Himself known to us through Jesus Christ. And He has done this, and will do this, forever.
Prince Of Peace
Humanity wants peace desperately. Rulers will sit around tables and negotiate for peace. They will pay any price and make any compromise for peace. If that fails, they are even willing to go to war to get peace.
The truth is, few of us even understand peace. Many of us wouldn’t recognize it if we saw it. This is because we are so frequently unsettled within. James understood the nature of our discontentment. He said, “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:1-2).
In Jesus, we have an alternative to this life-long struggle. Paul the Apostle discovered this truth, enabling him to make this declaration:
“I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:11-13)
Most of us believe that peace is the absence of conflict. Yet Jesus gives us so much more. He promises peace that transcends our circumstances. It invades the inevitable conflicts that arise in living a life in the midst of a sinful creation. It makes perfect sense to be at peace when all is well. But Jesus who is the Prince of Peace promises us a peace that overcomes our trials (Philippians 4:7).
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